Home | News & Insights | 2023 | Take Part: The Future of Work Survey

Take Part: The Future of Work Survey


In recent years, we have seen a dramatic shift in working practices for many people, providing new perspectives on how and where we work. We have hugely valued the insights and opinions many have offered since April 2020 through the Future of Work surveys, which we feedback directly to decision makers and staff in our member organisations.

Now, we are looking towards a future of work which remains permanently changed for many, and the rise of new technologies which have the potential to alter our working lives even further. Tell us about your views on these changes through this latest short survey.

We want to hear from as many people in the 21-35 age group who live or work in the Cambridge region as possible – the more people we hear from, the better our survey will reflect what younger people want from their work lives.

The survey closes 5pm Tuesday 2nd May 2023 and only takes 5-10 minutes to complete.

Thank you very much for your participation. Please click here to take the survey. 

Download the poster here.



07548 832 833


Henry Stark, Engagement Manager, Cambridge Ahead

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